CSA Share Signup:

Below, you'll find the map of our delivery zone. If you find yourself slightly outside of these boundaries, feel free to reserve a share, but please reach out to Karoline to verify that we can add you to one of the delivery routes.

Delivery Map
Full Share

0 of 60 left

Half Share

0 of 60 left

Work Share

0 of 0 left

Please select a the type of share that you are interested in!
Please Log in before attempting to reserve a share!


Known Source is a women owned and operated small farm working to bring our food sources closer to home. We are working towrds a happier and healthier greater community, starting with those closest to us.


We are not certified organic, but use only organic approved growing mixes and growing products. We strive to grow good soil first and use physical controls like row cover and mulching to avoid using even organic-approved pesticides or chemical controls.


We love to hear from community members! Email us at KnownSourceFarm@gmail.com or follow our facebook page for regular updates.